Friday, March 27, 2009


I get up early.
It used to be 4, when I worked for other people.
Now it's 5.
I quit smoking in February, but refused to give up coffee as well.
So I have a coffee, take Cloe out, and then do some form of exercise. I miss my weights! UGH.
I have become somewhat addicted to Mari Winsor Pilates. NOTHING will flatten your midsection and give you flexibility like this lady!
I am probably Twittering and replying to emails by 6.

For some reason, I just love the mornings.
I found myself in tears this morning because I listened to the robins outside.
The last time I did that, I was sitting on a cute little black bench in my house.
I am now in a bachelor pad with my dog and very little else.

Except a really big backbone, perhaps a bit of an attitude, and a ton of creativity.

It IS actually possible to LOVE YOUR JOB. So much so that it doesn't seem like you are working. Even to other people.

I like the quiet of the mornings.
Which is difficult living in an apartment and you want to go to bed around 9.
Most people don't do that.
I bought some earplugs!

I am breaking a promise to myself today too, without even realizing it.
I wrote in my business plan that I was taking Fridays off.
I have full intentions of flaking out on a patio from 12 p.m. til wheneverthatevening, every Friday.

I can justify this solely because I get up at 5. By the time noon rolls around, my day is half over! YEAHOOO!

Just some morning ramblings.

Cheers everyone!

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